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2023 Chinese Society of Aesthetic Dentistry's Ninth Annual Meeting Ends in Success


From November 20 to 22, 2023, the ninth annual meeting of the Chinese Society of Aesthetic Dentistry was held at the beautiful Le Méridien Suzhou Bay Hotel.




The Chinese Association of Aesthetic Dentistry is a professional dental association initiated in 2014 by more than 60 Chinese doctors at home and abroad, aiming to promote the development of excellent aesthetic dentistry. By adhering to the highest ethical and technical standards, we establish our leadership position in the industry and continuously improve the dental aesthetic standards within the industry to meet the public's requirements for dental aesthetics. It promotes interdisciplinary exchange and research through publications and educational lectures, and plays an important role in social exchange and friendship across national borders.




The Chinese Society of Aesthetic Dentistry has been established for 10 years and has held 9 annual academic conferences so far. There are currently 112 board members of the society, including doctors and technicians from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and mainland China, as well as from Singapore, Japan, and the United States. Chinese nationality, etc. At the ninth annual meeting in 2023, more than 600 dental colleagues came from different cities to attend the meeting. Gathered together, the Chinese Society of Aesthetic Dentistry brought together many dynamic young doctors and technicians in the country.




Under the leadership of the executive director, the Chinese Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry has built a bridge of communication with the international community. The Chinese Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry has participated as a member in the International Dental Congress held by IFED in Barcelona. The Chinese Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (CAED) and its "sister" society Korea The Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (KAED) maintains communication and collaboration. This year, under the leadership of President Dr. Yang Lei, more than 60 dentists and dental technicians were organized to go to Japan to participate in the International Dental Conference hosted by International Essence Publishing House. The Chinese Society of Aesthetic Dentistry plays an important role in cross-international exchanges and is a cross-international " Bridge", leading Chinese dentists and technicians to leap into the international arena.





Opening of the conference·Case competition


The conference officially started on the morning of November 20. Dr. Yang Lei, President of the Chinese Society of Aesthetic Dentistry, took the stage to deliver a speech and publish a summary of the society’s annual work in 2023.



Dr. Yang Lei, President of the Chinese Association of Aesthetic Dentistry



President Dr. Yang Lei AI intelligent playback



Dr. Fang Yuzhu, president of Suzhou Private Group, came to the stage to deliver a speech



Technician Case Competition: A total of 10 outstanding technicians from China and Taiwan participated in the competition; our 6 judges are also from Japan, Taiwan, and well-known domestic doctors and technicians



Dr. Huang He, host of Technician Case Competition


There are 6 judges in this technician competition, including Teacher Masahiko Akasaka from Japan, Teacher Kang Jianming from Taiwan, China, and Teacher Liu Weicai, Teacher Jiang Shan, Teacher Zeng Xiangqing, and Teacher Xu Li from Mainland China.







Wonderful comments from on-site judges


Finally, technician Lin Shengmiao from Taiwan, China won the first prize in this technician competition; technicians Li Xin and Xu Xin won the second prize; technicians Ke Ziyang, Zhang Dongdong, and Li Chengru won the third prize; Lu Baoping, Zhang Huafei, Wang Li, and Pan Crane technician received the winning award.



President Dr. Yang Lei presented the award to the first prize technician Lin Shengmiao.



Professor Liu Weicai and Teacher Akasaka Masahiko took a group photo to present the awards to the second prize technicians Li Xin and Xu Xin



Teachers Kang Jianming, Jiang Shan and Xu Li presented awards to third prize technicians Ke Ziyang, Zhang Dongdong and Li Chengru.



Dr. Shi Chunyu, Dr. Zhang Chaowang, and technician Zeng Xiangqing took a group photo to present awards to winning technicians Lu Baoping, Zhang Huafei, Wang Li, and Pan He



Clinician Case Competition: A total of 10 outstanding doctors from China and Japan participated in the competition; our 8 judges are also well-known experts from Japan, Taiwan, and domestic universities.




Dr. Li Jiaqi, host of the Doctor Case Competition


There are 8 judges in this case competition, namely Dr. Akiyoshi Funato from Japan, Dr. Masana Suzuki, Professor Lin Baoying from Taiwan, China, and Professor Liu Weicai, Dr. Huang Huan, Dr. He Gang, Professor Cheng Hui from mainland China. Professor Sayue.





Wonderful comments from on-site judges


In the fierce competition, Dr. Miao Xinhai won the first prize; Doctors Chen Yan and Jiang Tao won the second prize; Doctors Chen Xu, Wang Changsheng, Chen Xiang and Ding Zhouyu won the third prize; Miyamoto Eio (Japan), Jin Shuaishuai, Dr. Zong Yi won the winning award in the case competition.



President Dr. Yang Lei presented the award to the first prize Dr. Miao Xinhai for a group photo



Professor Cheng Hui and Dr. Akiyoshi Funato took a group photo to present the awards to the second prize winners Dr. Chen Yan and Dr. Jiang Tao



Professor Lin Baoying, Professor Liu Weicai, Dr. Masana Suzuki, and Dr. Huang Huan presented awards to the third prize winners Chen Xu, Wang Changsheng, Chen Xiang, and Ding Zhouyu.



Dr. Sayue, Dr. Shi Chunyu, and Dr. He Gang took a group photo to present awards to the winners of the Excellence Award, Miyamoto Eiou (Japan), Jin Shuaishuai, and Dr. Zong Yi





Technician Branch Venue


Technician sub-venue: Teachers Masahiko Akasaka from Japan and Teacher Kang Jianming from Taiwan are specially invited to share cutting-edge technologies and trends on the spot.



Left: Teacher Kang Jianming Right: Teacher Akasaka Masahiko (award group photo)



Left: Teacher Zeng Xiangqing Right: Teacher Kang Jianming (award group photo)





board meeting


On the evening of November 20th, the Chinese Aesthetics Society Board of Directors & Directors Dinner



Group photo of the Board of Directors



Thanks to WH Company for sponsoring this director dinner





academic conference


Academic event

Since its establishment, the Chinese Society of Aesthetic Dentistry has built a communication platform for Chinese dentists and technicians, bringing together leading experts and scholars at home and abroad as well as advanced technical levels and concepts. Every academic conference is a grand event for the Chinese oral medical industry. During the two and a half days from November 20th to 22nd, Dr.Masana Suzuki and Dr.Akiyoshi Funato from Japan, Dr.Kazunori Umeda and CDT.Masahiko Akasaka from Brazil Dr.Robert Carvalho da Silva, Dr. Woohyun Kim from South Korea, Dr. Huang Jingwen from Singapore, Dr. Zhou Guohui from Hong Kong, China, Dr. Kang Jianming from Taiwan, China, Dr. Zou Bo, Dr. Li Jiaqi from mainland China, and various academic experts gave the participants It brought a feast of aesthetics, and the conference won unanimous praise from participating doctors and technicians.



Hosts on November 21: Dr. Du Qian, Dr. Wang Jingyu




Dr. Suzuki used a large amount of theoretical and factual evidence such as literature and cases to prove the feasibility of reshaping the gingival papilla. It has been confirmed that the reconstruction of the gingival papilla is no longer impossible as previously thought. Although it is a difficult problem, with careful analysis and precise surgery, a good and long-term stable aesthetic effect can be achieved. Dr. Suzuki also explained in detail the classic surgical techniques and methods he has summarized over the past decades: incision design, flap distribution, suturing methods, etc.




With a large number of successful cases and surgical records dating back decades, Mr. Funato introduced in detail how to use different natural tooth processing methods for immediate implantation and guided bone tissue regeneration in the case of bone defects and insufficient soft tissue. It can use "instant extraction, immediate implantation, and immediate repair" to solve problems in multiple disciplines in one operation, and effectively improve the aesthetic defects of the patient's anterior teeth under extreme conditions.




Professor Dr. Robert Carvalho da Silva from the ImplabtePerio Institute in Sao Paulo emphasized the importance of periodontal stability for implant restoration in the aesthetic area with twenty years of postoperative follow-up and recent research reports. The professor has repeatedly emphasized the theoretical basis and clinical basis for long-term stability: "I prefer thick soft tissue and thin bone as opposed to thin soft tissue and thick bone." experience. The causes and pathogenesis of implant failure and peri-implantitis, as well as how to choose appropriate treatment methods, are explained in detail in multiple chapters to ensure reasonable repair methods and timing for difficult bone defects and soft tissue defects. The detailed surgical video shows the consideration and design of the surgical procedure, intraoperative difficulties and contingency plans from multiple angles. The audience listened attentively and at the end of the speech, they actively asked the professor about surgical details such as the removal of failed implants and how to remedy the failure of bone augmentation and soft tissue augmentation.





academic conference


Academic feast


Moderator: Dr. Li Qingchun, Dr. Zhang Jinbo




Dr. Huang Jingwen's expertise is in all aspects of restorative medicine. In his speech, Dr. Huang deeply analyzed the possible pitfalls of full-mouth implant restoration from the perspective of the patient's own condition, bone, occlusion, periodontal and pontic material design, and also Let us think backwards from the perspective of complications. Biological bone resorption and mechanical complications should be paid attention to when formulating treatment plans. The case PPT presented in the speech is also very rigorous and exciting. It follows the literature basis and fully considers the patient's chief complaint needs. , it’s really wonderful!




Teacher Zou Bo demonstrated the advantages and disadvantages of dental preparation vs. no preparation through case studies, based on the new paradigm of fusion, intelligence, function, minimally invasive, and maxillofacial aesthetics, changing the way of thinking, and incorporating more psychological and humanistic aesthetic restoration paradigms for anterior teeth. Transformation is also a new aesthetic development.




Dr. Woohyun Kim is the Secretary-General of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Dentistry KAED and a specialist in periodontal disease. He lectures on how to deal with and solve the black triangle problem of asymmetric repair from the perspective of restoration and periodontal disease, such as evaluation and analysis, surgical selection, soft tissue Intervention methods, transgingival contours, tooth configuration angles, patient angles, etc., through in-depth analysis of the details of aesthetic cases, we can intuitively understand how to solve the black triangle problem.




Teacher Zhou Guohui presented the entire digital planting process in this meeting. Through early digitization and personality analysis, under the digital navigation technology, real-time guidance and monitoring can be more precise and minimally invasive. At the same time, through some planting cases, he shared with everyone the process of digital planting. Some details and some risk control give everyone a more comprehensive understanding of digital planting.




Dr. Li Jiaqi’s wonderful sharing empowers dental aesthetic restoration from a digital perspective, starting with the end in mind, from point to surface, from clear and precise points to verbal expressions, tight logical thinking, and exquisite aesthetic cases that dazzled the doctors in the audience. The glamorous advantages of digitalization.





Professor Umeda Kazutori from Japan shared with us his experience in cases from traditional to digital over the past 20 years, especially the case of anterior tooth aesthetics combined with periodontal soft tissue treatment. The combination of digitalization and minimally invasive and efficient visualization operation strategies made us think deeply and benefit a lot. many.





Dinner & Advance Shining Night



(Left) Ms. Chen Xiaoyong, General Manager of Xianlin Dental

(Center) President Dr. Yang Lei (right) Secretary-General Dr. Shi Chunyu



During the dinner, the president, secretary-general, vice-president, etc.

Had a great time chatting with lecturers from various countries and participants from all over the country





Poster exhibition during the annual meeting




Thank you for your corporate support


 The success of this conference cannot be achieved without the support and recognition of enterprises. Special thanks to the following outstanding companies for their strong support of this conference:


Shenzhen Altron Dental Technology Co., Ltd.

Daqi Medical Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Kemeile Medical Device Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.

Nobelco Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Ivoclar Vivadent (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd.

Xianlin 3D Technology Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou Hege Intelligent Manufacturing Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Dante Dirui Medical Equipment (Wuxi) Co., Ltd.

Suzhou Dikaer Medical Technology Co., Ltd.

Dentsply Sirona Dental Products (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Suzhou Sumai Medical Technology Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Jingmei Medical Technology Co., Ltd.

Beijing Huiyou Guanhua Technology Co., Ltd.

Beijing Weikai Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhuhai Yunni Medical Technology Co., Ltd.


Shanghai Cifeng Dental Equipment Trading Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Xiaomeng Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.

Aidite (Qinhuangdao) Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Xiangtong Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Thales Medical Technology Co., Ltd.

And to Dental (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.

Beijing Aimeng Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.

DaYi Full Media—Accurate dental traffic operation

dental circle



Concurrent off-site courses and conferences

On November 19th, teacher Akasaka Masahiko’s all-ceramic master class started at Shanghai Yihuojia Company. 26 technicians from all over the country participated in the master class operation class to learn new technologies and gain new knowledge.






Group photo of teacher Masahiko Akasaka’s all-ceramic master class in Shanghai on November 19


On November 21st and 22nd, the second all-ceramic master class held by Mr. Akasaka Masahiko was held at Shenzhen Altron Company. More than 150 people participated in the theoretical class on the first day, and 15 specially invited technicians participated in the operation class on the second day, successfully completing the second course.




Group photo of teacher Masahiko Akasaka’s all-ceramic master class in Shenzhen on November 21-22



On November 24, we hosted a meeting with the well-known implant company - Comer Corporation with the theme of "International "New Technology" Big Talk - Practicing Long-termism in Implantation". A total of 189 doctors from Yunnan participated in the meeting. , the venue was packed with people to listen to the sharing by Japanese masters and outstanding domestic doctors.





Kunming conference site


See you in Sanya for the 10th anniversary of the Chinese Association of Aesthetic Dentistry in 2024










The sunset by Taihu Lake left a deep impression on everyone